
Methane-free beef
Country/area: Hungary Organisation: Szabad Európa (Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty) Organisation size: Small Publication date: 13/12/2021 Credit:

Country/area: Hungary Organisation: ATLO, Budapest Brand Organisation size: Big Publication date: 19/11/2021 Credit: Ádám Schönberger (project leader)

ATLO – Hungarian data and visual journalism
2022 Shortlist Country/area: Hungary Organisation: ATLO, Átlátszó Organisation size: Small Cover letter: ATLO is a Budapest-based visual journalism project.

The housing market boom in Hungary, mapped
Category: Best visualization (small and large newsrooms) Country/area: Hungary Organisation: index.hu Organisation size: Big Publication date: 12 Nov

State advertising as an instrument of transformation of the media market in Hungary
Category: Best visualization (small and large newsrooms) Country/area: Hungary Organisation: ATLO Team / Átlátszó Organisation size: Small Publication date: 9

Why does the Hungarian Air Force fly to the Canary Islands, Las Vegas, Dubai, Malta, or Panama?
Category: Best data-driven reporting (small and large newsrooms) Country/area: Hungary Organisation: Átlátszó Organisation size: Small Publication date: 12 Dec

Koronamonitor – A járvány adatai grafikonokon (English title: Coronamonitor – Tracking the pandemic through maps and charts)
Koronamonitor – A járvány adatai grafikonokon (English title: Coronamonitor – Tracking the pandemic through maps and charts) Country/area: Hungary Organisation: ATLO,